Syarat dan Ketentuan

1. Free registration

2. Travel browsing

  • Search your preferred destinations
  • Chat with 247GoPartner to fully understand your plans and the descriptions, total package, inclusion, exclusion, etc.

3. Traveling Plans

  • After confirm during chatting, select the selected plan inside Chat Room and fill-in details and submit to 247GoPartner for acceptance.
  • 247GoPartner will review and reply either it is Accepted or Rejected, with reason
  • You may review the reason of rejection, continue chatting and re-submit.
  • Once accepted, order cancellation is Not Allowed unless agreed upon by both parties. Any cancellation may affect your future orders.

4. Tour Payments

  • For the purpose of mutual protection, Travellers are advised to make payments during the tours, based on agreed payment amount and payment frequency.    
  • All payment made shall be updated into the apps by the your 247GoPartner immediately and ensure Traveller’s 247Go apps receives message as evidence of payment, until the final payment. 
  • No cancellation allowed during tour operation. Any such case may result in penalty in the next orders.
  • In case of any dispute during tour, contact 247admin for support.

5. 247Admin Right

  • We have the right to remove your account in the event of complaints to protect our platforms’ image
  • We have the right to terminate your services in case of any feedback on your violation against any rules  and regulations.

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: 247Go