Goh Seng Kiong
Hi there, you can call me Gordon, Malaysian-Chinese born in Kuala Kangsar, Perak and been staying in Taiping since I was 6 years old. I have been a full-time tour guide for the last 5 years and hosted numerous of tourists around the world. One of my greatest achievement was the Tourism Commendation Award given by the local city council and tourism NGO. In addition, I was also interviewed by the local media related to a documentary about the challenges in tourism. Growing up in Taiping is something that I am very proud of and my passion in meeting people from around the world motivates me to host anyone who is interested to know more about my hometown culture, traditional industries, nature, heritage, religion, etc. I look forward to hosting you and your friends and family through a leisure cycling experience while learning more about the local stories in my beloved hometown, Tai Ping.